FAHS/FAC 211 | Art History: Prehistory to 1400 | 3.00 |
FAHS/FAC 212 | Global Art History: 1400 to Present | 3.00 |
| 3.00 |
| Introduction to Digital Design | |
| Introduction Three-Dimensional Printing | |
| Introduction to Photography | |
| Introduction to Painting | |
| Introduction to Sculpture | |
| Introduction to Drawing | |
| Introduction to Printmaking | |
| Design Foundation | |
| 15.00 |
| Themes in Art History: | |
| Modern Art: Neo-Classicism to 1945 | |
| Contemporary Art: 1945 to Present | |
| Asian Art | |
| Race, Gender, and Art | |
| Decolonizing African Art | |
| History of Photography | |
| Medieval Art | |
| Special Topics in Music and Art: | |
| New Mexico Santos Tradition | |
| Art of the Borderlands | |
| Sacred Landscapes of the Native Americas | |
| 6.00 |
FAHS 497 | Senior Art History Thesis Research | 3.00 |
FAHS 499 | Senior Art History Thesis | 3.00 |
Total SHs | 36 |