
Dr. Nicholas Myklebust, Associate Professor, Chairperson

Dr. Scott Dimovitz, Professor

Dr. Lara Narcisi, Professor

Dr. Daryl Palmer, Professor 

Alyse Knorr, Associate Professor

Dr. Kate Partridge, Assistant Professor

Dr. Frank McGill, Senior Term Professor

Departmental Information

The English major is designed to offer a broad and balanced approach to the discipline. Course requirements are flexibly structured to emphasize genres, periods, and a diversity of literary traditions. Major requirements provide a substantive foundation upon which to base further reading and critical inquiry. Courses focus not only on primary texts, but on essential cultural, historical, and theoretical contexts as well. The English major takes a Diversity Across the Curriculum approach, so most courses discuss aspects of historical or current oppression and marginalization.

Each student in the major works closely with a departmental advisor to develop a plan of study compatible with the individual’s goals for graduate or professional school and employment.