Psychology Major

Foundations of Psychological Science
PSY 250/250C/250HGeneral Psychology3.00
PSY 350Prof Dev & Careers in Psychology (Course must be completed in the fall semester following declaring Psychology major)3.00
NS 260/260C/260HIntroduction to Brain and Behavior3.00
NS 261Intro to Brain and Behavior Laboratory1.00
PSY 422Research Methods & Behavioral Statistics3.00
PSY 423Research Methods & Behavioral Stats II3.00
PSY 424Research Methods & Behavioral Stats Lab1.00
Upper Division Requirements
Required Breadth Courses (26 credits minimum)
Students must take one class per Group (except Group A), and two laboratories. 1
Group A – Developmental Science6.00
Developmental Psychology I
Developmental Psychology II
Group B – Cognitive and Behavioral Science3.00
Learning and Memory
Cognitive Psychology
Group C - Biological Basis of Psychological Science3.00
Behavioral Genetics
Sensation and Perception
Neurological Disorders
Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology
Group D - Person and Society Science3.00
Social Psychology
Psychology of Racism
Psychology of Gender
Cultural Psychology
Psychology of Personality
Group E - Applied Psychological Science3.00
Educational Psychology
Industrial and Organizational Psychology
Health Psychology
Community Psychology
Clinical and Counseling Psychology
Human Sexuality
Developmental Disabilities
Psychological Disorders
Forensic Psychology
Clinical Neuropsychology
Group F - Professional Development3.00
Research in Psychology: 2
Senior Capstone
Internship in Psychology:
Laboratory Science2.00
Social Psychology Lab
Cognitive Psychology Laboratory
Developmental Psychology Laboratory
Sensation and Perception Laboratory
Clinical Neuropsychology Laboratory
Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology Lab
Additional Psychological Science Courses3.00
Independent Study/Psychology: 2
Arrupe Science Mentorship A
Additional course from groups A-E
Total SHs43

The major advisor should be consulted about the best combination of courses to take from each group based on the student’s educational and career goals.


No more than 3 semester hours of PSY 490E-W Independent Study/Psychology: or PSY 491E-W Research in Psychology: can count towards the completion of the major.

Honors-in-Psychology Major

In addition to the major requirements listed previously, students who complete the following requirements may graduate with an Honors-in-Psychology major:

PSY 491E-WResearch in Psychology:2.00
PSY 499Senior Thesis2.00
Total SHs4
  1. Maintenance of an overall grade point average (GPA) of 3.5 or higher at the time of thesis proposal.
  2. Select a thesis committee comprised of an advisor and reader, and submit a preliminary thesis proposal that must be approved by the committee.
  3. Obtain IRB or IACUC approval as necessary.
  4. Write and submit a grant proposal to URSC or another funding source to support the proposed thesis project.
  5. Complete the proposed research project in PSY 491E-W Research in Psychology: (or equivalent). Credits may be spread across multiple semesters.
  6. Complete PSY 499 Senior Thesis by:
    1. orally defending the thesis before the thesis committee and other interested parties;
    2. presenting the research project in a public forum such as a lecture or a professional meeting;
    3. submitting a final thesis that conforms to APA guidelines and is approved by the thesis committee.

Note: Students in the Honors Program may substitute HO 499 Honors Thesis for PSY 499 Senior Thesis. The Honors Program spring presentation will fulfill the 6 (a), but not 6 (b), requirement.