Pre-Physical Therapy Typical Prerequisites

BL 258General Biology I: Organismic3.00
BL 259Organismic Biology Lab1.00
BL 260General Biology II: Mlclr & Cellular3.00
BL 261Molecular & Cellular Biology Laboratory1.00
BL 274Principles of Human Anatomy3.00
BL 275Human Anatomy Laboratory1.00
BL 276Principles of Human Physiology3.00
BL 277Human Physiology Laboratory1.00
BL 296Introduction to Biomedical Terminology1.00
CH 210General Chemistry I4.00
CH 211General Chemistry I Laboratory1.00
CH 230General Chemistry II4.00
CH 231General Chemistry II Laboratory1.00
HES 450Biomechanics of Exercise3.00
MT 272Statistics for the Life Sciences3.00
or HES 311 Research Design & Statistics
MT 360ACalculus I4.00
RCC 200First Year Writing3.00
PSY 250General Psychology3.00
Select one of the following eight semester hour options of physics:8.00
Option One
Gen Physics w/Trigonometry I
and General Physics Lab w/Trigonometry I
General Physics W/trigonometry II
and General Physics Lab w/Trigonometry II
Option Two
General Physics with Calculus I
and General Physics with Calculus I Lab
Gen Physics with Calculus II
and General Physics Lab with Calculus II
Select one or more of the following courses in Psychology:2.00
Developmental Psychology I
Developmental Psychology II
Psychological Disorders
Other recommended courses:
Kinesiology Laboratory
Physiology of Exercise
Physiology of Exercise Lab
Concepts of Motor Behavior
Concepts of Motor Behavior Lab
Biomechanics of Exercise
Biomechanics of Exercise Lab
Total SHs53

Regis University specific PT program pre-requisites are listed under the program requirements.