| |
| 3.00 |
| Classical Greek Philosophy | |
| Later Classical Philosophy | |
| Medieval Philosophy | |
| 3.00 |
| 17th Century Philosophy | |
| The Emergence of Modernity | |
| The Philosophy of the Enlightenment | |
| 19th Century Philosophy | |
| Contemporary Currents | |
| The Phenomenological Tradition | |
| 6.00 |
| Ethics | |
| Philosophy of Art | |
| Special Topics in Ethics: | |
| Political Philosophy | |
| Philosophy of Law | |
| Philosophy and Social Issues: | |
| Topics in Pol Theory: Ancient Thought | |
| Topics Political Theory: Modern Thought | |
| Feminist Theory | |
| Selected Themes in Philosophy | |
| Philosophical Practicum | |
| 12.00 |
Total SHs | 24 |