Animals, Society, and Culture Minor

Major Requirements
BL 258General Biology I: Organismic3.00
BL 259Organismic Biology Lab1.00
AN/SO 469E3.00
BL 458Behavioral Ecology3.00
Plus six semester hours selected from the following upper division courses: 16.00
Conservation Biology
Marine Biology
Primate Ecology and Behavior
BL 481V
Total SHs16

Some section offerings of RCC 410E Global Environmental Awareness and RCC 420J Justice and the Common Good may fulfill elective requirements, please check with advisor to determine eligible section offerings. Our Common Home: Religion, Animals, and the Environment (RC 475 Our Common Home: Rel Anmls Envrnmnt/HU 475 Our Common Home: Rel Anmls Envrnmnt) and Web of Life: Environmental Ethics (PL 476 Web of Life: Environmental Ethics/HU 476 Web of Life: Environmental Ethics) may fulfill elective credits with advisor approval.