Dual Degree Programs

Students interested in earning both the Doctor of Pharmacy degree and the Master of Science in Health Informatics (MSHI), the Master of Science in Health Services Administration (MS-HSA), or the Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree should reach out to the School of Pharmacy Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs regarding enrollment in the additional program. On-time completion of the PharmD degree requires all coursework to be completed within four years. Students may enroll in the MS degree program of their choice prior to or after starting their pharmacy coursework. Students with a baccalaureate degree or 90 undergraduate credit hours may enroll in MS coursework before entering the first year of the PharmD program. Students with fewer than 90 undergraduate credit hours may enroll in MS coursework following completion of the first year of the PharmD program. Students who are interested in pursuing the Master of Business Administration (MBA) must meet all admission requirements for the MBA program, including work experience requirements, and should contact both the School of Pharmacy Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs and Admissions for the Anderson College of Business and Computing. 

Students enrolled in the dual degree program have several options for completing the coursework for the additional degree. Use of PharmD program elective blocks and summer coursework will allow the student to take the masters-level courses as they work to complete the requirements for the PharmD and may result having both degrees upon graduation with the PharmD. If all master’s program requirements are not met prior to beginning APPE rotations, the student will have to complete the remaining MSHI, MS-HSA, or MBA coursework following graduation from the PharmD program to obtain the master’s degree. The student has a total of six years to complete any degree at Regis University, including the PharmD, MSHI, MS-HSA, or MBA course work. Students may delay MSHI, MS-HSA, or MBA coursework or dis-enroll from the MSHI, MS-HSA, or MBA degree program at any time, and it will not affect their standing in the pharmacy program. Students in the MS-HSA or MSHI dual degree program are required to complete three MS-HSA or MSHI courses as part of the PharmD program. The first three courses taken from MS-HSA or MSHI toward the dual degree program are charged the PharmD tuition rate. The remaining MS-HSA or MSHI courses are charged at the MS-HSA or MSHI rate.