Status of the Catalog

The content of this document is provided for the information of the student. It is subject to change from time to time as deemed appropriate by the University in order to fulfill its role and mission or to accommodate circumstances beyond its control. Any such changes may be implemented without prior notice and without obligation and, unless specified otherwise, are effective when made.


At Regis University the term “diversity” affirms our faith inspired commitment to build an inclusive community that values the dignity and contributions of all our members. In this community, human differences thrive in a learning environment characterized by the Jesuit traditions of mutual respect and the pursuit of justice. Age, gender, race/ethnicity, class, disability, sexual orientation, religion, and other forms of human differences contribute to the richness and vitality of our living community.

Notice of Nondiscrimination

Regis University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, religion, veteran status, marital status, pregnancy, parental status, gender identity, sexual orientation, genetic information or any other legally protected status in any of its policies, programs, admissions or activities and provides equal access to education. 

All Regis University community members (faculty, students, staff, administrators, trustees, contract personnel, agents, visitors, invitees, and volunteers) are prohibited by law from engaging in acts of harassment or discrimination based on protected categories or sexual misconduct. Regis University also does not allow retaliation against any individual who makes a complaint of discrimination or sexual misconduct or otherwise has engaged in protected activity as outlined under its Nondiscrimination & Sexual Misconduct Policy. 

Regis University’s nondiscrimination policy extends to employment, education and admission. Regis will endeavor to take immediate and appropriate corrective action up to and including discipline, expulsion or dismissal, in cases where it has been determined that discrimination or sexual misconduct has occurred. 

Review the complete Regis University Nondiscrimination & Sexual Misconduct Policy at: IX

The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding this policy and Title IX: 

Equal Opportunity & Title IX Coordinator
3333 Regis Boulevard B-4
Main Hall 204
Denver, CO 80221-1099
Telephone: 303- 964-6435


The University reserves the right to deny admission, services, continued enrollment and re-enrollment to any applicants, students, or other persons whose personal history, medical history, background, or behavior indicates that their presence in University facilities, programs, or activities, or use of University services would endanger themselves, or the health, safety, welfare, well-being, or property of the University, its employees, students, guests, or others, or would interfere with the orderly performance and conduct of the University’s or affiliated agencies’ functions.

Effective Fall Semester 2024 – Summer Semester 2025